Skills mount and blade
Skills mount and blade

skills mount and blade

  • Combat Tips – small XP boost each day to your party party member effect.
  • Leadership – increased when you maintain high morale in your army and when you assemble and lead armies improves the morale of parties under your command and garrison size
  • Immortal Charm – +1 influence per day for every 5 skill points after 250.
  • Parade +5 loyalty per day when you visit your settlements.
  • Courtship – +1 influence per day for each allied lord’s party that’s not currently in an army and while waiting in the same town party leader effect.
  • Natural Leader – +10 loyalty bonus for town governor effect.
  • Moral Leader – +10 security bonus for town governor effect.
  • Pro Familia – clan member parties gain +10% influence from actions clan leader effect.
  • Our Great Leader – +20% influence from personal actions clan leader effect.
  • Promoter – +1 notable relations with settlement owner for every project completed governor effect.
  • Effort For The People – +10% chance for governor to gain +1 relation with a random notable per day governor effect.
  • skills mount and blade

  • Respectful Opposition – +30% chance to negate relationship penalty from kingdom decisions.
  • Champion = +10 influence from winning tournaments.
  • Young And Respectful – +20% relationship gain with those of the similar gender.
  • In Bloom – +20% relationship gain with those of the opposite gender.
  • Meaningful Favors – +10% chance to have doubled persuasion success.
  • Forgivable Grievances – +20% chance to avoid persuasion critical failure.
  • Show Your Scars – +20% more renown from battles party member effect.
  • Adventure Stories – +1 renown for each issue resolved.
  • Ice Breaker – +10% chance to gain +2 relations when introducing yourself to lords.
  • Still, it does help when you’re trying to gain influence as a vassal and once you rule your own kingdom.

    skills mount and blade

    Note: This is one of the more tedious skills to try and level. Charm – increased by improving relations with other characters, releasing captured nobles or socializing with them, and bartering improves relationships with NPCs

    Skills mount and blade