5 best Minecraft seeds for survival islands 1) Jungle Island Jungle Island (Image credits: ) If you’re looking for your own Robinson Crusoe fantasy, then you should try some of the following Minecraft seeds. Most of the gamers have a Castaway fantasy, where they wake up as the lone survivor on an island and must do whatever it takes to survive. Survival Island is a recurring theme in the Minecraft gameplay. With Minecraft, players have the option of playing either a simple survival mode or a hardcore survival mode, which is of course way more challenging. Survival gameplay can be simple, yet so much fun. There is also a ruined portal on the island that the player spawns on.Survival mode might not be the most popular genre in Minecraft, but it has a dedicated following of its own. A large mushroom island can be reached at (X 245, Y 70, Z -35) across the ice. Players spawn around the coordinates (X 140, Y 73, Z 4) on an island surrounded by ice. Hopefully, a player using this seed is a fan of mushrooms. This Minecraft seed has an interesting starting point for players. A nearby sunken ship can be found at (X 504, Y 40, Z 44) that players can use to help get started. However, players spawn on a separate island at (X 641, Y 65, Z 17) with basic resources. This Minecraft village and stronghold combination sits at (X 951, Y 75, Z 117) in the seed. This seed has an island similar to the first one on this list. The beached ship can be found at (X 197, Y 82, Z -302) near an ice spikes biome. One of the ships can be found out of the water after a long swim. Players can also scavenge for the chests inside each ship found. Ships can be broken down for wood if a player needs shelter or fuel to start. However, players can find sunken ships deep underwater. Players can see that the island has no trees and very little grass. The player spawns on a small island surrounded by a deep ocean biome.

Survival island fans can find a challenge with this island. An ocean monument can be found at (X 1172, Y 64, Z -240) once a player is ready. The village and spawn point is at (X 1340, Y 71, Z 12) in the seed.

The stronghold can be accessed in multiple ways underwater, one entrance leads straight to the end portal. However, this Minecraft village has a large stronghold underneath it. Players that use this seed will spawn in a village in the middle of the ocean. However, coordinates for points of interest will still exist in the seed.ĥ best Minecraft seeds for survival islands in 2021 Seed One 542630838 Image via Mojang The players' spawn point may be different compared to where others have spawned in. Some seeds may not have the same results for the Java edition. These seeds are tested in the Minecraft bedrock edition on Windows 10. This list is for players that enjoy survival islands. There are Minecraft seeds for every type of player. Five of the best Minecraft seeds for survival islands in 2021 can be found in the bedrock edition.